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Sunday, 23 December 2012

The bo

I will soon be learning the bo after the holidays. I been wanting to learn the bo for many months. I know its going to be hard, but its worth it. Once I know the bo enough, I would like to do other weapons like the sword. One step at a time though.

Friday, 21 December 2012

 This is me accepting my award from my sensei for most improved fighter 2012.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Karate Presentation 2012

My club had our annul Karate Presentation on 15th December. I was surprised when I won most improved fighter of 2012. I am really happy I won a trophy. This coming year I am going to work twice as hard, and hopefully get to go to more lessons. I will be learning the bo soon. I want to learn free style first, then I want to learn traditional bo and learn bo katas. Eventually I will learn other weapons but for the momment I will focus on just the bo.


Friday, 14 December 2012

I have gained my blue belt at the end of September, I been working hard towards my next belt. I am currently learning a new kata, Pinan Yondan. I'm finidng it a bit difficult, but Im sure I will learn it in no time. I currently know Pinan Nidan, Pinan Shodan, Pinan Sandan. I think by spring I should know Pinan Yondan. I am still having problems with my shin injury I got in June's inhouse competition. It keeps swelling up, so I got an x-ray done this monday just gone. Will find out the results in a couple weeks. Im hoping to find nothing wrong, but yet hoping to find out why it keeps swelling up. 

Friday, 28 September 2012

I was graded last night for my blue belt. Yes after nearly 8 months of hard training I finally got my blue belt. I am so happy.Now its going to get even more harder. 

27th September 2012 Graded to Blue belt.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

 This is the Robin Hood Demo at southend, 8th July.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

I would love to learn the bo, I always had a interest in it. I just need to find a good bo for beginners that isn't going to cost so much money. I know my club does weapans training so maybe it wouldn't hurt to buy a bo an start to learn it. It be good achievement under my belt if I did learn it. Now i just gotta figure out which type of bo I should start on....

Monday, 9 July 2012

  Clare and Val sparring at our inhouse comp
Shaun doing Pinan Nidan
Shaun sparring at inhouse comp

Some of the karate gang and sensei steve. We are awaiting for the Olympic Torch, Friday, 6th july.

 Basildon Olympic Parade

Finally a glimps of the Olympic Torch guy! Sorry the woman got in the way.

 Here comes the guy with the Olympic Torch
 There he is looking at the camera to!
 Aww...There he goes.
 Buh..bye, went so fast!

Yesterday I went to the southend Robinghood Show demo. There wasn't that many people there considering that the Robinhood show is packed. Well it was good, apart from being so muddy and the weather was on off with rain. Over all it was a good day though.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

 Group photo of the students that did the inhouse competition 24 june 2012

 Here we are in the Basildon Echo newspaper.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Karate Comp

Yesterday I had a inhouse karate competition. I did kata-pinan nidan, and kumite/sparring. After watching my performances on video I thought I could do alot better in my kata, and theres alot to work on with my sparring as well. Its only my 2nd competition though an I'm still a beginners level. 16 months ive been training, not that long in karate years.

Well I got Gold medal in kata, and Bronze medal in kumite/sparring.

Gold in Kata, Bronze in Kumite

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Thursday, 10 May 2012

                                                Orange belt Nov 2011

Orange belt Nov 2011
Orange Belt Nov 2011
Nov 2011

Comparing the stances -doin pinan nidan

Comparing the stances- Doing Pinan Nidan

Monday, 30 April 2012

Thursday just gone, at karate training, I got the class trophy for doing such a good job in training.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

I would like to start getting more involved in my karate, but its complicated when you work nights and most the demos are in the A.M an i need to sleep till 2pm. I guess a nap afterwards wil be in order haha.  We have an inhouse comp in June, so that should be fun, I'm going to go to that. I haven't yet gone to a ranked comp yet, im a bit scared for those ...yep i know whimp!!! Can't help it, I dont think im that good so i dont want to make myself look dumb. Maybe soon.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Well green belt is going good, should be having a in-house comp soon, so that should be exciting. I will probably be going to the comp. Karate has been going good.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Two weeks ago I was told I was being graded, I was excited, then the nerves started! So for a week i was getting anxious about my gradig. Well Thursday comes and I'm like ahhhh nervous as hell. Well the lesson went good. Now I am a green belt. This coming thursday I will be wearing a green belt. Wow I cant beleive it.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

I will be grading this thursday coming! I am excited and nervous at the same time. I hope I do good. I will be doing my green belt grade.  :)  I ran into my sensei today while watching the dragons martial arts perform, he said I'm going to be sparring with someone, didnt say who for my grading Im a bit nervous now about that. Wish I knew who I gotta spar with. Well wish me luck, Hopefully I'll be a green belt next week.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Some basic punching and kicking & blocking technique names and meaning.

Punching Techniques:

SEIKEN ZUKI -Normal  punch
GYAKU ZUKI TSUKKOMI-Reverse hand lunge punch
GYAKUZUKI-  Reverse hand punch made with Seizuki
TETTSUI-Hammer fist strike
JUNZUKI- Front hand punch made with Seizuki
JUNZUKI TSUKKOMI- Front hand lunge punch

Kicking Techniques:
MAEGERI- Front kick made with the ball, heel, or toe tips of the foot
MAWASHIGERI-Roundhouse kick made with the ball or instep of the foot
YOKOGERI- Side kick made to the side using the side of the foot
USHIROGERI - Back kick made backwards using the heel of the foot.
MAETOBIGERI-Flying or jumping front kick

Blocking Techniques

GEDAN-UKE/GEDAN-BARAI- Low block or low parry made with the forearm.
(Fist starts palm up at the opposite shoulder and sweeps down and across the body, twisting on contact. Can also be made with shuto or shotei. )

JODAN-UKE-Upper block or high block made with the forearm.
(Fist starts palm up on the opposite shoulder and moves straight up, twisting on contact. Forearm ends at an angle with the fist higher than the elbow. Can also be made with shuto or shotei)

SOTO-UKE-Outside block/.Basic middle block.
 (Made with the outside of the forearm moving from inside to outside. Can be made blocking jodan or chudan. )

SHUTO-UKE-Knife hand block
(made with the little finger die of the open hand or forearm. Can be made moving inwards, outwards, or downwards. )

UCHI-UKE-Inside block.
 (Block made with the inside of the forearm moving from outside to inside. Can be made jodan or chudan)

Friday, 13 January 2012

Its been a few weeks since i updated my blog, although  we had 2 weeks off for xmas.  Anyways, Ive been doing goo in training, I thinkin 2 weeks i should be graded to green belt. Well now my sister in law and brother inlaw are doing karate an their 2 kids as well. Pretty soon all my inlaws will be doing karate lol.