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Saturday, 21 July 2012

 This is the Robin Hood Demo at southend, 8th July.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

I would love to learn the bo, I always had a interest in it. I just need to find a good bo for beginners that isn't going to cost so much money. I know my club does weapans training so maybe it wouldn't hurt to buy a bo an start to learn it. It be good achievement under my belt if I did learn it. Now i just gotta figure out which type of bo I should start on....

Monday, 9 July 2012

  Clare and Val sparring at our inhouse comp
Shaun doing Pinan Nidan
Shaun sparring at inhouse comp

Some of the karate gang and sensei steve. We are awaiting for the Olympic Torch, Friday, 6th july.

 Basildon Olympic Parade

Finally a glimps of the Olympic Torch guy! Sorry the woman got in the way.

 Here comes the guy with the Olympic Torch
 There he is looking at the camera to!
 Aww...There he goes.
 Buh..bye, went so fast!

Yesterday I went to the southend Robinghood Show demo. There wasn't that many people there considering that the Robinhood show is packed. Well it was good, apart from being so muddy and the weather was on off with rain. Over all it was a good day though.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

 Group photo of the students that did the inhouse competition 24 june 2012

 Here we are in the Basildon Echo newspaper.