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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Training with the bo

Today I did 2 hrs bo training doing techniques like the figure 8, two handed and one handed. And to do stainary spin. Also some wrist spin drills. Practicing the figure 8 is tiring my arms ache from practicing. I am doing a documentry on my bo training. I will be posting videos on my progress over the weeks,months eventually years.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Learning the bo

So I started learning the bo on thursday, lets just say I'm not good at all. Its going to take alot of practice and hard work. I can't even do the one hand wrist spin, or the figure of 8 or any spins lol.Its complicated for me,I am 25, if I 10 Id probably learn it quicker. I should do a documentry of my bo learning that be cool. Yeah see my progress through the weeks/months/years.