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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Some basic punching and kicking & blocking technique names and meaning.

Punching Techniques:

SEIKEN ZUKI -Normal  punch
GYAKU ZUKI TSUKKOMI-Reverse hand lunge punch
GYAKUZUKI-  Reverse hand punch made with Seizuki
TETTSUI-Hammer fist strike
JUNZUKI- Front hand punch made with Seizuki
JUNZUKI TSUKKOMI- Front hand lunge punch

Kicking Techniques:
MAEGERI- Front kick made with the ball, heel, or toe tips of the foot
MAWASHIGERI-Roundhouse kick made with the ball or instep of the foot
YOKOGERI- Side kick made to the side using the side of the foot
USHIROGERI - Back kick made backwards using the heel of the foot.
MAETOBIGERI-Flying or jumping front kick

Blocking Techniques

GEDAN-UKE/GEDAN-BARAI- Low block or low parry made with the forearm.
(Fist starts palm up at the opposite shoulder and sweeps down and across the body, twisting on contact. Can also be made with shuto or shotei. )

JODAN-UKE-Upper block or high block made with the forearm.
(Fist starts palm up on the opposite shoulder and moves straight up, twisting on contact. Forearm ends at an angle with the fist higher than the elbow. Can also be made with shuto or shotei)

SOTO-UKE-Outside block/.Basic middle block.
 (Made with the outside of the forearm moving from inside to outside. Can be made blocking jodan or chudan. )

SHUTO-UKE-Knife hand block
(made with the little finger die of the open hand or forearm. Can be made moving inwards, outwards, or downwards. )

UCHI-UKE-Inside block.
 (Block made with the inside of the forearm moving from outside to inside. Can be made jodan or chudan)

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